It Could be Worse

My bathroom is under repair – so my toilet is sitting in the spare bedroom while the floor in the bathroom is being reinforced. It is an old house and I love living in it. My landlord is great about fixing things. It isn’t his fault I spent last night using a porta john set up under my carport. I decided it would be an adventure. In my younger days we did a lot of camping so it sure beat going in the woods. But, I am getting a little old for adventures of that kind. It was cold outside last night. The whole experience reminded me of Daddy telling me the story of when he was a little boy and in winter with two feet of snow on the ground he didn’t want to go to the outhouse at night. So, he peed in an earthenware vinegar jug. He'd kept that jug, storing it on a shelf in his workshop. I told him I wanted him to leave me the jug in his will so I would have it to remember him and his story. I have the jug on a shelf in my barrister bookcase. I wrote a poem about Daddy's lit...