Have You encountered a Bigfoot?
I’ve recently written and published the novel, My Neighbors from the Woods , with a bigfoot theme. In writing the fictional story of Maggie, who discovers she has a family of bigfoot living in the woods adjoining her farm, I spent many hours researching the subject for my book. I’ve learned that in addition to seeing the hairy beast, it often leaves other signs of its presence. Here are the top ten signs that you might have had a close encounter with a bigfoot: 1 You find huge barefoot prints in the mud or the snow. These are probably the most publicized signs of bigfoot. To distinguish a bigfoot footprint from a bear’s we are reminded that bears have claws while bigfoot prints do not have claw marks. The bigfoot print looks like a human foot except its much bigger. Some are reported to be up to 24 inches long and 8 inches wide. 2. You smelled something so awful you can’t describe it. Some try to describe it as skunk-like but way ...