Snow Mama, Daddy, Claudia, and I packed into the car and headed north from North Carolina. We were on our way to spend the Christmas holidays with “The Folks Up Home,” Daddy’s family. As I remember, there was always snow. Maybe that’s not so, but it is how I remember it. On one of those trips in particular, we got caught in a snowstorm; maybe it was a blizzard. We got stuck in snow and Daddy had to get out to dig us free. He slipped and fell, sliding underneath the car. I can still remember the fear in Mama’s voice as she called out to him. He managed to get back up and dig us out of the snow. As we neared Towanda, Pa. we were fortunate to get behind a cinder truck that was spreading ash from furnaces on the road for better traction. We were able to follow it all the way to our destination. In Daddy’s words, “We would never had made it over that hill if it had not been for being behind that truck.” My sister and I, being little kids and unaware of the danger, were enthra...