My Neighbors from the Woods

During the stay-at-home months of 2020 I began writing my recently released novel, My Neighbors from the Woods. The story is inspired by one I read decades ago when I first started reading bigfoot stories on the Internet. It was about a woman who lived somewhere in the mountains and claimed to have developed a friendship with a family of bigfoot. I could not find that particular story when I began to work on my book. But it seems there are many similar stories making the rounds online and on YouTube channels. My “research” involved listening to many such channels and following social media bigfoot pages. But my interest in the hairy man, aka bigfoot, started a long time ago, when I was much younger. What piqued my interest were stories I first heard from my daddy. He listened to ‘talk radio” at night and he’d retell the stories he heard over breakfast in the mornings. That had to have been in the late 50s. I also remember Daddy talking about a wild man that lived bac...