Bear Song, Sequel to Pale as the Moon
Recently I attended a workshop on self-publishing and
decided I had messed around long enough. I began that week the process of
publishing Bear Song myself using Create Space. It turned out to be a
lot of fun. I have always loved playing with designing brochures, flyers and
booklets, so this new creative control over what my book would look like was
very satisfying. I did have a few
formatting issues to over come because I lacked some knowledge in using Word.
But, I learned, with the help of Internet tutorials, and I think I have put
out not only a good story, but a good product as well.
While Bear Song is a sequel to Pale as the Moon,
you can follow this story without having read Pale as the Moon (although
it is still available so you can buy them both). We pick up the story of the English
colony some years after their escape from Fort Raleigh on Roanoke Island.
In Pale as the Moon the refugees were guided to a
small village of Native People on the shore of a pocosin lake on the New
World’s mainland. We learn in Bear Song that Gray Squirrel left her home
with the Paspatank to join her husband, William Pierce, and live with the Lake
People and the English colonists.
It takes patience and
wisdom for the two cultures to learn from each other and live in harmony. Gray
Squirrel has earned her position among the council of elders because she has
those very qualities, as well as knowledge of medicine. She teaches young
Virginia Dare skills to help the English survive in what they call a
wilderness, and she helps Virginia’s mother overcome her fear and prejudices of
the native people.
Readers will follow these characters in their quest to live
peacefully and at the same time protect the secret location of the Lake People.
This secret is jeopardized first when a Croatan hunting party captures William,
and then when a stranger kidnaps Virginia.
But the whole village is at risk of being wiped out when a
small pox epidemic is brought to the village through an innocent act of
kindness. First the old and very young die. Gray Squirrel tries everything she
knows to heal her people but nothing works. She loses all hope, and that is
when the bear comes to her in a dream.
You can buy Bear Song and any
of my other books from by following this link: