How Long Does a Spider Live?
There is a little spider that has been living in my office
window between the glass and screen for a long time. I am sure it has been
keeping me company well over a year, maybe two.
One day as I watched it travel up and down its enclosed
environment I wondered, “How long do spiders live anyway?” Of course I turned
to Google to find my answer. I learned it depends. It depends on the gender and
species of the spider.
Females generally outlive males – in part because some
spiders like the Black Widow eat their mates after mating. Females can live
several years. Some live only two years while the big ones live the tarantula
can live as long as twenty-five years.
I am not sure of my spider’s species. It is small, at least
compared to the wolf spiders that show up on my patio at night in search of
bugs drawn to the light. I don’t think it ever leaves its habitat between the
screen and glass of my window. I suppose that is a safe place for a spider to
live. Nothing can get to it. So, maybe it will live a full life, whatever that
may be for a spider.