The Nightmare of Artist’s Block

So, I
Googled “artist block” and found I am not the only one that suffers the malady.
Just like for writer’s block, the advice is to either take a break or work your
way through it. Since, I’d developed a headache the break sounded good.
Whenever I
experience creative block, whether it is writing or painting, I start to
question my ability. That self-deprecating voice inside my head starts in on me
with the “you’re not good enoughs.” It doesn’t
seem to matter I am a published writer with six books under my belt and
hundreds of articles, or have shown in juried shows and sold my art. I sold
some just last week. When the block rears its ugly head I don’t feel good enough to call myself a
professional writer or artist. I feel like a wanna-be.
I have
noticed that when I am stressed or distracted by life events I become blocked
from expressing myself creatively, whether it is my writing, painting or
photography. Sometimes, I can move from one to the other. If I can’t paint I go
take pictures, or write. Or if I can’t write I paint or play with my photos in
my editing program. Sometimes nothing works.
To gain back
my peace I resort to prayer and meditation. I go out with friends for lunch or
coffee, I take walks around the farm or sit in my garden where I watch and
listen to nature. All of these things help me find peace and once I find peace
I can usually find my art again. But, even then, it is a process. It is like
slowly waking up from a deep, night-marish sleep. It takes a while to focus on what’s
If I still can’t
actually put brush to canvas I will plan a project in my mind until it forms
enough reality that I can do some thumbnail sketches. I make a list of writing
ideas, maybe try some prompt writing. Gradually I can hear my muse again. I can
paint again, and in so doing leave my cares outside the studio door, lose all
track of time and produce a work I love. My prompt writing turns into a poem or story,
I get a fresh idea for an article. Something that makes
me feel I am good enough again.