She Speaks to the Woman Within

met Jackie when we were volunteers for the Obama campaign in 2008. We quickly
learned we both were writers and I invited her to a writers’ group meeting. She
shared her poems and they made me cry. How did she, a black woman, know this
white woman’s truth?
words show that we women share a common truth that transcends race, culture, or
background. Sometimes the words are laced with humor, to help us bear our
internal truths, and then the eternal truth shines through, that we are ALL God’s
children. That knowledge lifts us up out of despair and hold us up as we walk
forward, naked, exposed, yet unafraid.
has published two books of poetry: Some
Things I Just Know and Change and
Possibilities. She also has produced two CDs: A Spoken Word for Women Who Can and Speaking to the Woman Within. You can listen to tracks on Speaking to the Woman Within and buy the
CD at
or visit her website for all of her products